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Italy and IRENA Action for Climate Toolkit (I-ACT) “Piero Angela”


Inaugural Workshop in Indonesia

Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Jakarta

Fri & Sat, 15 – 16 September 2023

“Global Days” are in-depth conferences promoted by the Directorate General for Global Affairs (DGMO) of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) aimed at disseminating knowledge and good practices on global issues.

On 18th December 2022, the official launch of “Italy-IRENA Action for Climate Toolkit (I-ACT)”, a training program for young climate leaders organized in collaboration with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), dedicated to Piero Angela took place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). The initiative marked a very important point in this innovative collaboration which aims to build the capacity of young climate and energy leaders for a climate-proof future.

The program includes a first phase of “training of the trainers”, performed by IRENA virtually to be disseminated offline in respective countries where Italian embassy resides. Peer Educators, selected by IRENA from Indonesia (Amira Bilqis and Mazidatun Maftukhah), will host their inaugural workshop aimed at training a larger number of Indonesian youth to cultivate a profound understanding of the energy-climate interconnection and empower them to take actionable steps in response.

Registration link: by 1 September 2023.