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Scholarships for the degree course in Italian language and culture offered by the university consortium “ICON – ITALIAN CULTURE ON THE NET”

icon 2024

ICoN – Italian Culture on the Net is a Consortium of 14 Italian Universities active since 1999 in the promotion of the Italian language and culture in the world through e-learning and new technologies.

The Consorzio ICoN offers 10 semester scholarships to partially cover the fees for self-study enrollment in the first semester of the first year of the Degree Programme in Italian Language and Culture (educational-linguistic curriculum and curriculum arts, music and entertainment).

These scholarships are reserved for foreign citizens and Italians residing abroad, provided they meet the requirements for enrolment at the Italian University.

  • The deadline for applications is 9 September 2024.

For further information, interested parties are invited to download the CALL FOR COMPETITION or visit ICoN’s website