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The Embassy of Italy in Jakarta is pleased to present to Indonesian students interested in pursuing their studies abroad an event organized by the Embassy of Italy in Singapore. Said event, named Study in Italy, is part of the Study in Europe Fair coordinated by the Delegation of the European Union in Singapore. Due to the continuing health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Fair will take place entirely online on 26 September 2020.

The purpose of the Fair is to spread and promote study opportunities offered by the Universities of several European countries to students from South East Asian Countries. For Italy, 15 universities participate in this edition. On 26 September there will also be two online webinars, one organized by the Alumni of Bocconi University and one organized by the Alumni of Politecnico di Milano, for which registrations are already open.

An online chat will also be available on the day of the Fair. Further information on study opportunities can be requested by all interested students, both before and after the day of the Fair, via the booking page.

Watch HERE the welcome address to Study in Italy delivered by Dr. Nicola Bianchi, Scientific Attaché of the Italian Embassy in Singapore, who is also accredited to Indonesia.

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